
Examination Rules

  1. There shall be two compulsory examintions in each semester i.e. Mid Term and Final Term. Any student absent from the Final Exam of the semester will be considered as fail.
  2. In addition to these exams, the teacher will give home assignments and quizzes etc. to the students.
  3. The following weightage shall be given to the exam, home assignments, etc.
    1. Mid Term Exam                                                      30%
    2. Home assignments/Quiz/Presentations etc.          20%
    3. Final Exam                                                             50%
    4. Total                                                                       100%
  4. To qualify a course, it is essential to pass the theory and practical exam with aggregation to be at least 40%.
  5. Note:The timings for the Evening Classes will be from 1:00 PM to onward.